Planting Instructions for Hybrid Tea, Floribunda and Grandiflora Roses
1. Soil Preparation
To be successful, it is imperative that you prepare your soil with a generous amount of composted organic matter. We recommend using Daddy Pete’s Planting Mix, which is a combination of composted pine bark and cow manure. The hole should be dug 3 times the width and 1 ½ times the depth of the container. Mix the compost with the soil that has been removed from the hole. Next, return enough of the mixture to the hole for the top of the root ball to sit slightly above the natural grade. Lastly, return the remainder of the soil mixture to the hole. Make sure that roses are not planted deeper than the soil they are grown in. Most roses are grafted, and if the graft union is covered with soil or mulch this can lead to the death of the plant.
2. Removing the Rose from the Container
Roses are lightly rooted, meaning they need special care when removing them from their containers. It is highly recommended that you remove your roses from their container by cutting down both sides of the container and cutting around half of the bottom. Then, remove the side portion of the pot. Next, place the plant and the remaining container into the hole. Lastly, slide the plant off the bottom of the container. DO NOT PULL THE ROSE OUT OF THE POT BY THE TRUNK OF THE PLANT, this will severely damage the root system and will VOID our LIMITED ONE YEAR GUARANTEE.
3. Watering Your Newly Planted Rose
After planting your roses make sure that they are watered in thoroughly. The best way to ensure that the plant is watered well is to place your water hose (set on a trickle) at the base of the plant and let it run for 15 to 20 minutes. After the first deep root watering, you should water every day for the first week keeping the soil moist so that the plant gets adjusted to its new home. Make sure that your soil drains well so the plant doesn’t drown in a puddle of water. Preparing your soil as described above should eliminate this problem. After the first week, make sure you water at least once a week in the cooler months and twice a week in the warmer months. Please be aware that environmental conditions may dictate the need for more or less watering. Remember plants are dependent upon you for their needs.
4. Disease and Insect Control
It is recommended that you spray your roses at least twice a month with both an insecticide and a fungicide. You should always rotate your pesticides so that the insects and diseases do not become pesticide resistant. There are many different pesticides that can be effective for use on roses. A simple spray regiment is to apply Bio Advanced 3-in-1 Insect, Disease and Mite Control at the first of each month during the growing season. Then, two weeks later, spray a combination of Propiconazole 14.3 and Bifen I/T. Always spray in the coolest time of day and allow 12-24 hours drying time before rain or irrigation. Lastly, as with all pesticides, always read the label for complete use and safety instructions.